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Getting Started with Typing

This article will guide you in setting up a typing student.Basic steps:

Create a family with a student

Register a user account for the student

Create an assignment for the student to do

Create a Family
1. Choose Contacts in the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click Add Family
3. Fill in details about the father and mother
4. Add details about the child, then select the Student Group he is a part of (in this example, we'll use 9th Grade)

5. Finally, click Save

Register a User Account
1. Choose Setup in the left-hand navigation bar
2. Under the header Software Configuration, click Authorized Users
3. Click Add User
4. Provide a username and password, then click Register. You will be directed to the Users page
5. Choose the user from the list that you just created
6. In the contact field, search for and choose the student you just entered
7. Choose your license (if applicable)
8. Check the Student checkbox to give the user account student privileges (typing) If you would like the student to be able to correct his work, (backspace, delete, arrow keys, mouse selection) check the Correctable Typing box.
9. Finally, click Save.

Create an Assigment
To assign the lesson, the teacher must first create an assignment. While logged in as a teacher, click Setup. Then choose Assignments. Here you can see all the existing assignments. Click Add Assignment. Fill in the details about the assignment. (be sure Subject is set to Typing) Then click Save.

The Typing Lesson
At the bottom of the navigation bar, click Logout. Then log in as the student account you just created. After logging in, select Typing in the sidebar. Above the list of typing lessons, click Start New. Select the Assignment you created from the dropdown, and click Start Lesson.

Congratulations! You've created your first typing lesson.